Welcome to JoAnn's World

Okay all my friends and family - I have finally made it into the 21st century by having my own blog - OMG!!!
How does this differ from Examiner?  I can talk about greening the community AND restaurants til I'm blue (uh brown) in the face. NO ONE telling me I have to stay within my geographical area of the city.

But this is what I'm asking from you - tell me what you'd like to know - in the realm of environmental issues of course (global warming, clean water issues, energy alternatives, organic/urban farming, etc.). Also, tell me about a new restaurant (as long as it's in Chicago) and why you think I should visit. And puhleeze - comment. I won't know if you enjoy or dislike what I write if you don't comment.

I'll be writing weekly so look for my stuff. BTW, my cat Garvey (G) says "meow".
As always - Peace.


  1. Hey Joanne: Congratulations on your new blog! I don't have any comments this time, but wanted to be the first to follow your blog. So what is your favorite restaurant? I'd go into the city more often if I had a good recommendation.
    Rosebud on Taylor Street is very good, but too much food.

  2. Great intro ,lets get it started Love ya ;-)


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