Oh the joys of vegetable gardening
“…there was peas and greens and cabbage and beans
it was the biggest crowd you ever did see;
and when mister cucumber struck up that number
you should have heard those vegetables scream…”
The Vegetable Song
For those of you who are actually following me while I plant a vegetable garden this year, things don’t look too good from this window. No matter what, I couldn’t get the jalapeno peppers to emerge from their cocoon. And the beets? Well, they reared their beautiful little red heads about 1/4 of an inch out of the soil and basically just went back inside. I guess they couldn’t take Chicago ’s weather either.
The truth is – no sun makes a timid vegetable. I was informed by Tom Skilling (Channel 9 weather guru) that April was the cloudiest April in the history of Chicago weather keeping. Oh thanks! Just the info I needed – weeks late. My little nursery needed some serious sun. Nothing I could do except go purchase a sun lamp – which I didn’t do..obviously. Wish I had.
I suppose you’re wondering how my tomatoes are turning out? Well those buggers are doing just fine, as are the chives, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, oregano and onions. Also the cucumbers are a hardy bunch, having withstood cold, rain, heat, gloom of night...sounds like the postal service.
Anyway, I tried. I’ll find out what I did wrong later. Right now I’m concentrating all my efforts on those plants that want to live.
Stay tuned. If you have some suggestions (no, I will not abandon the ship) please comment below. I really appreciate your feedback..sort of.
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